A Voyage through Algorithms using Javascript - Bubble Sort

A Voyage through Algorithms using Javascript: Bubble Sort. Anatomy of the Bubble Sort, Use cases, Optimization techniques and Bi-directional / Cocktail Sort variant explained.


A Voyage through Algorithms using Javascript - Recursion

A Voyage through Algorithms using Javascript: Recursion. Anatomy of a recursive function, Types of Recursion, Understanding the Call Stack and its role in Recursion and Optimization techniques for recursive functions explained.


Deep Dive into Data structures using Javascript - Graph

Deep dive into Graph data structure using Javascript. Anatomy of a Graph, Types of Graphs, Use cases, Graph traversals, Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix based graph implementations explained.


Deep Dive into Data structures using Javascript - Trie

Deep dive into Trie data structure using Javascript. Anatomy of a Trie, Use cases, Object and Array based Trie implementations in Javascript explained.
